Plants:- which can help to increases your Immunity.

Plants: which can help to increases your Immunity.

"Immunity is very mandatory for our body. because when any bacteria or viruse attack on your body then some specific antibodies & sansidized white blood cells(WBC) show own action & kill there bacterias or viruses.

So, if we have a good Immunity then we can protect our body from bacteria & viruses."

There are so many plants which can help to increase your Immunity.

  • Aloe-vera.
  • Snake plant.
  • Chrysanthemum.
  • Golden pathas.
  • Peace lily.

We can use these Plants for increaseing Immunity.

  • Aloe-vera:-

Kingdom.    - Plantae.
Order.          - Asparagales.
Family.        - Asphodela hiceae.
Subfamily.  - Asphodeloideae.
Genus.        - Aloe.
Species.     - A. vera.

When our body have lack of Immunity then we can use this plant for decrease the lack of Immunity.
Aloe-vera have many ingredients & vitamins.
So it can help to increase your Immunity. it's act as an anti-inflammatory also. it's a good medicinal plant & have many immuno boosting polysaccharides which help the immune system to show action well.
The Immunity afffects to all body orgons.
Some peoples are suffering from digestive problems so we can use Aloe-vera juice for improve your digestive system.

Aloe-vera have many vitamins & minerals which are given below-


Folic avid.



  • Snake plant:-

Kingdom.     - plantae
Order.           -Asparagales
Family.         -Asparagaceae
Subfamily    -Nolinoideae
Genus.         -Dracaena
Species.       -D. Trifasciata.

Snake plant is a house plant & a medicinal plant which is help to improve your immune system by the help of many vitamins & minerals.
Snake plant absorbed the oxygen from atmosphere & convert in to the oxygen.this plant act as an immuno-booster.

  • Chrysanthemum:-

Kingdom.      - plantae.
Order.            - Asterales.
Family.          - Ateracaeae.
Subfamily.    - Asteroideae.
Genus.           - chrysanthemum.
Species.        - chrysanthemum indicum.

Chrysanthemum plant is also act as immuno-booster when our body's immunity doesn't work properly then we should use this plantfor improve the immunity because this plant works on cardiovascular system which is most beneficial for improve the Immunity. Chrysanthemum tea have an lower concentration of sugar which is most beneficial for our body.
This also helps flow of blood in the body and provides us a smooth blood's flow to the body.


  1. It is act as an anti-inflammatory agents.
  2. Helps to boost your Immunity.
  3. Helps in the blood flow.
  4. Provides a healthy and better skin.
  5. Relaxes nerves.

  • Golden  pathas:-

Kingdom.     - plantae.
Order.           - Alismatalses.
Family.         - Araceae.
Genus.         -Epipremnum.
Species.      -E.aureum.

Golden pathas is house plant which is used for improve the Immunity & worth protect the body from bacterias & viruses.
This plant have many vitamins & also act as anti inflammatory agents so is excellent source like Immuno-booster.

  • Peace lily:-

Kingdom.  - plantae.
Order.        - Alismatales.
Family       - Araceae.
Subfamily.- monsteroideae.
Genus.      - spathiphyllum schott.

Pease lily is also a house medicinal plant which  used as an immuno booster. When any body's organism have lack of immunity then we can use this plant for decrease the lack of Immunity because it have many nutrients & vitamins which is beneficial for our organism.

  • Conclusion:-

There are so many medicinal plants which have mamy vitamins & nutrients so we can use these Plants for improving the immune system.
Today, many peoples are dead because of there weak immune system so these all Plants are mandatory for every person for improve the immune system.


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