Attraction of Humans with Nature

Humans with Nature:-

the attraction of humans with Nature is very loving & unique. A tree have a ability to keep human safely because it has many adequacy substances which is unavoidable for lifestyle.for living humans, nature is too important. so in these days, everyone engaged in making beautiful nature plant.
It's a good thing that everyone engaged in making an awesome world.
 We take many things from nature which are very beneficial for us .therefore, it's our duty that we also make this nature beautiful & attractive.
 When we do planting then we provide many things to that plant like-water, nutrients, sunshine, food e.t.c. then that plant is grows day by day & one day that plant has grown then plants provides me many things like wood, food, nutrients, fruits, vegetable e.t.c.
 As that plant grows, provides me many things which more mandatory for us.

 Is the nature cycle with humans?

Yes,humans&natural has a cycle.when firstly humans provides the nutrients, water, soil, food, sunshine to the plant then plants are growing.

When,plant grows then plant provide me nutrients, food, wood, fruits, vegetables, flowers e.t.c. so it's a cycle between humans & nature that Will never end.
nature is too mandatory for us or everyone person in this word. today all peoples are busy in own business. they all don't want to give our time for the nature.


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