Forest Beauty

What's your brain on forest?

The Forest is a large area which is fill-up with many kinds of trees & plants.forest is a piece of the land. many kinds of animals&plants include in forest. today, forest plays an important role in everyone's life like-humans, animals, birds e.t.c. we need to better temperature,air&many things. Which we get through the forests.
We all need to oxygen, carbon dioxide e.t.c.
These all requirements, which are most important for uh are provided by trees or forests.
Forests protect us from floods, storm so we need to the forest.
Forests are helpful for us:-
  • Forests are very useful for everyone .We can't lives without forests.
  • Forests provides me oxygen, carbon-dioxide & so many things, which is most necessary for us.
  • These are also protect me from flood & storm e.t.c.
  • Forests provides wood,which is a piece of living.
  • Many rivers are present in forests which makes the forests beautiful & helpful for the nature too.


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