How does coronavirus affect the human's life-style

What's covid-19?

Covid-19 is a dangerous virus and an infectious disease. Which affects the immune system. we can't kill covid-19 virus properly but can prevent being from the covid-19. We have not a particular vaccine/medication for this chronic disease yet. So, we can only protect us from covid-19.
Until when the  vaccine/medication will not be formed for this disease.

Effect of covid-19 on Human's life-style:-

Because of the covid-19 all are the countries has infected & situation of many countries are too critical as compare to india.
Scientist of all over countries are invest our time in the formation of vaccine/ Medication for covid-19 but they are not successful yet so it's a critical situation for anyone.

Mr. Narendra modi (which is prime minister of india) has announced related to lockdown.
So it's better decision for every person & for their life-style.


  • Sneeze.
  • fever.
  • Dry cough.
  • Tiredness.
  • Shortness of breath.

Precuations of coronavirus:-

  • Often clean your hands up to 10 minutes(minimum).
  • Cover your cough.
  • Maintain distance.
  • We should senitize our equipment like- Mobile, pen, pencil, laptops e.t.c.
  • Use the hand-gloves.
  • Don't shake hand to anyone.

Causes of covid-19:-

  • Don't maintain the distance.
  • Shake hand to anyone is too harmful for us.
  • Don't use mask.
  • Don't clean your hands up to 10 minutes.


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