How can we improve the Immunity.

What is Immunity?

you can improve & better your immune system.

"The Immunity of an organism is that which can protect a particular organism from toxic effects and infections by the action of certain antibodies & sensidized white blood cells."

If anyone doesn't have a good immunity then that person is not able to protect our body from bacteria & viruses.

There can be many reasons for lack of immunity here.

Causes of lack of immunity & How we can improve our Immunity:-

  • Resist exercise regularly.
  • Get access amount medication.
  • Not get proper sleep.
  • Avoid immuno-booster food.
  • Smoking & drinking.
  • Over stress on your mind.

Resist exercise regularly:-

You can do exercise for improve the Immunity.

It is very mandatory for us that We should exercise daily for increaseing your Immunity.
Blood circulation plays an important role for immunity of our body. So, we should exercise regularly. If we will not doing exercise daily then it's temporary option for increaseing immunity.

Get Excess amount medication:-

If we get a excess amount of medicine then Our immunity decreases. Because antibiotics decreases our immunity.we should avoid excess amount of medication & increase the Immunity.

Not get proper sleep:-
Proper sleep is very mandatory to improve the Immunity.

If you not get proper sleep then it affects the immune system.sleep is very important for improve the Immunity.
When we are asleep then all orgon of our body works properly. therefore increasing human Immunity.

Avoid immuno booster food:-

Immuno-booster food plays an important role in the immune system. If we consume proper immuno-boosters then these food are help to increases the Immunity.

Smoking & Drinking:-

It's harmful for your Immunity so please avoid.

if we used Excess smoking & Drinking then our immune system is not work properly & finally decreases the Immunity. So for improve your Immunity you have avoid smoking & drinking.

Over stress:-

Avoid stress for improving your immunity.

Over stress is also a cause of decreasing the Immunity. When we get any stress then it's affect the immune system & decreases the Immunity. So we should not take over stress because it's harmful for our body. When we get over stress then antibodies & sansidized white bllod cells of an organism don't show your action.


Immunity plays an important role in the body. When any bacteria or viruse infected to any organism then our immune system protect the body from bacteria & viruses. So for increaseing the Immunity some roles are most mandatory like- exercise, Immuno-booster, avoid smoking & Drinking, to get proper sleep.


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