
Showing posts from May, 2020

How does coronavirus affect the human's life-style

What's covid-19? Covid-19 is a dangerous virus and an infectious disease. Which affects the immune system. we can't kill covid-19 virus properly but can prevent being from the covid-19. We have not a particular vaccine/medication for this chronic disease yet. So, we can only protect us from covid-19. Until when the  vaccine/medication will not be formed for this disease. Effect of covid-19 on Human's life-style:- Because of the covid-19 all are the countries has infected & situation of many countries are too critical as compare to india. Scientist of all over countries are invest our time in the formation of vaccine/ Medication for covid-19 but they are not successful yet so it's a critical situation for anyone. Mr. Narendra modi (which is prime minister of india) has announced related to lockdown. So it's better decision for every person & for their life-style. Symptoms:- Sneeze. fever. Dry cough. Tiredness. Shortness

Plants:- which can help to increases your Immunity.

Plants: which can help to increases your Immunity. "Immunity is very mandatory for our body. because when any bacteria or viruse attack on your body then some specific antibodies & sansidized white blood cells(WBC) show own action & kill there bacterias or viruses. So, if we have a good Immunity then we can protect our body from bacteria & viruses. " There are so many plants which can help to increase your Immunity. Aloe-vera. Snake plant. Chrysanthemum. Golden pathas. Peace lily. We can use these Plants for increaseing Immunity. Aloe-vera :- Kingdom.    - Plantae. Order.          - Asparagales. Family.        - Asphodela hiceae. Subfamily.  - Asphodeloideae. Genus.        - Aloe. Species.     - A. vera. When our body have lack of Immunity then we can use this plant for decrease the lack of Immunity. Aloe-vera have many ingredients & vitamins. So it can help to increase your Immunity. it's act as an anti

How can we improve the Immunity.

What is Immunity? you can improve & better your immune system. " The Immunity of an organism is that which can protect a particular organism from toxic effects and infections by the action of certain antibodies & sensidized white blood cells." If anyone doesn't have a good immunity then that person is not able to protect our body from bacteria & viruses. There can be many reasons for lack of immunity here . Causes of lack of immunity & How we can improve our Immunity:- Resist exercise regularly. Get access amount medication. Not get proper sleep. Avoid immuno-booster food. Smoking & drinking. Over stress on your mind. Resi st exercise regularly:- You can do exercise for improve the Immunity. It is very mandatory for us that We should exercise daily for increaseing your Immunity . Blood circulation plays an important role for immunity of our body. So, we should exercise regularly. If we will not doing exerci

Attraction of Humans with Nature

Humans with Nature:- the attraction of humans with Nature is very loving & unique. A tree have a ability to keep human safely because it has many adequacy substances which is unavoidable for lifestyle.for living humans, nature is too important. so in these days, everyone engaged in making beautiful nature plant. It's a good thing that everyone engaged in making an awesome world.  We take many things from nature which are very beneficia l for us .therefore, it's our duty that we also make this nature beautiful & attractive.  When we do planting then we provide many things to that plant like-water, nutrients, sunshine, food e.t.c. then that plant is grows day by day & one day that plant has grown then plants provides me many things like wood, food, nutrients, fruits, vegetable e.t.c.  As that plant grows, provides me many things which more mandatory for us.  Is the nature cycle with humans? Yes,humans&natural has a cycle

Plants love

Plants description :- Plants plays an important & useful role in the life of everyone. Plants are make our world loving.they provides us many nutrients,food,wood &many thing. When flood is ready to destroy the land then trees protected to our land.they provides me food,which is too necessary for every person. Plants also provides medicine. Today, almost peoples are infected by decease then they all are depends on the medicine.plants provides many medicine because there are so many medicinal plants. so it is very important for us  to plant all the trees.

Forest Beauty

What's your brain on forest? The Forest is a large area which is fill-up with many kinds of trees & plants.forest is a piece of the land. many kinds of animals&plants include in forest. today, forest plays an important role in everyone's life like-humans, animals, birds e.t.c. we need to better temperature,air&many things. Which we get through the forests. We all need to oxygen, carbon dioxide e.t.c. These all requirements, which are most important for uh are provided by trees or forests. Forests protect us from floods, storm so we need to the forest. Forests are helpful for us:- Forests are very useful for everyone .We can't lives without forests. Forests provides me oxygen, carbon-dioxide & so many things, which is most necessary for us. These are also protect me from flood & storm e.t.c. Forests provides wood,which is a piece of living. Many rivers are present in forests which makes the forests beautiful & helpful for the n

About Nature

  What is nature?  Haw can you protect nature?   ⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒ Nature is the beauty of the world which makes the world attractive & beautiful. The meaning of nature is that which is natural in this world like-water ,earth, plants, air, fire&also humans. This is important that we all are trying to become a beautiful & attractive, natural world & safe to everyone. It's very important that how we can becomes a very attractive world & how we can protect that? There are so many peoples but they all not want to become our world attractive.....why? It's not good for us for our country, world. You know all about one thing- (All fingers are not equal....) Fingers have the different size so these are not that which people are staying in our world also are not the same...they are also different.... Some peoples wants to become a very attractive & beautiful world but some people's not..... Actually, all people are want to become a world attra